Happy Couple in Kitchen

Relationships are evolving

What we want and expect in our primary relationships, especially marriage, has changed dramatically over the last century. Where we once looked for a partner to meet our biological needs (food, shelter, security, and procreation), our desires in a partnership today also include meeting our emotional and spiritual needs. We crave relationships that help us to be our best self and reach our fullest potential. All relationships have this potential but conscious relationships make this their priority. We’ve created our unique Love Intentionally process to support you in designing your conscious relationship.

The Love Intentionally Process is informed by our experience and formal training in family systems, communication and conflict management, sex and intimacy, mindfulness, trauma, and strategic life planning, along with our personal background in holistic health, spirituality, our own relationship development, and being self-proclaimed awesome parents. The container we build during our coaching relationship, along with the framework and tools we use in our sessions, ensures couples (and both individuals within it) are equipped to bridge the gap from where they are to where they desire to be.

Our coaching is for couples who are deeply committed to their own growth, their relationship growth, and creating a truly remarkable life together. This work asks you to engage in meaningful conversations and commit to being vulnerable, radically responsible, present, and courageous. We have deep experience coaching entrepreneurs and couples with children…and all committed partnerships are welcome.